Caring for your wooden chopping boards

Caring for your wooden chopping boards

Last updated

Taking the time to care for your wooden chopping board not only preserves its beauty but also enhances its functionality, making it a treasured part of your kitchen. But like all cherished kitchen items, your wooden board needs proper care to ensure it remains a reliable companion for years to come. Here's how to keep your wooden chopping board in top shape:

1. Prepare Your Board Before First Use

If your new chopping board isn't pre-oiled, it's important to give it a protective layer before using it. Apply a food-grade oil, such as paraffin oil or orange oil, or wax to all surfaces of the board using a clean cloth. This initial oiling not only nourishes the wood but also creates a barrier that prevents moisture from seeping in. Avoid using vegetable oils like olive oil, as they can turn rancid over time and leave an unpleasant odour.

2. Clean with Care

After each use, rinse your wooden board under cold running water and scrub it with a stiff brush. This helps to remove food particles and prevents bacteria from settling into the wood's surface. Use warm soapy water then rinse thoroughly if its particularly grubby. Never soak your board in water, as prolonged exposure to moisture can cause the wood to warp or crack. Similarly, keep your board out of the dishwasher! And avoid drying it in an oven—both of which can damage the wood.

3. Re-Oil Regularly

To maintain your board's condition and extend its lifespan, re-oil it regularly. Depending on how often you use it, you might need to do this once a month or so. Again, use a food-grade oil like paraffin or orange oil, applying it with a clean cloth. This not only rejuvenates the wood but also helps it resist stains and odours.

4. Refresh a Worn Surface

Over time, your chopping board may develop scratches or a worn surface. You can easily reinvigorate it by sanding down the affected area. After sanding, be sure to wash the board thoroughly and apply a fresh coat of oil. This will leave your board looking and feeling like new.

5. Store Properly

When not in use, store your wooden chopping board upright to allow for thorough air drying. Keeping it out of direct sunlight is essential, as prolonged exposure can cause the wood to dry out and crack. Proper storage ensures your board stays in prime condition and ready for your next cooking session.

6. Replace When Necessary

While wooden chopping boards are durable, they do have a lifespan. If your board develops deep cracks or splits, it's time to consider replacing it. These fissures can harbour harmful bacteria and compromise the safety of your food preparation.

For those passionate about cooking, The Essential Ingredient offers a range of high-quality wooden chopping boards, along with oils and other care products to help you maintain them. Visit your nearest store to explore our selection and learn more about the best practices for kitchen care.

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